Shed 1 Charity Donations

Shed 1 Charity Donations:

Thank you to all who have bought our Marmalade over the last 12 months. Part of every sale goes into our Marmalade Fund and is then donated to our charity partners: Furness Homeless Support Group & Cumbria Action for Sustainability (CAfS).
We've been able to donate £1,300 to FHSG and £1,280 to CAfS (including money from a couple of fundraisers)


Other Shed 1 Charity Donations

As well as the above we donated monies/products to:
Great Ormond Street Hospital
Leave A Light On
Cancer Care
Myton Hospice
CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably)
Plus various local schools, groups and hospices.

We've also continued supplying our crowdfunded hand sanitiser to schools and groups.
SO MANY THANKS to you all for helping us help others.

Sign up to the Newsletter

Call: 07794 699913 / 07397 180486

[email protected]

The Old Calf Shed, North Lonsdale Road,
Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 9AU

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