Would you like a Gin Refill? Don't mind if I do!

Launched by City to Sea, National Refill Day encourages us to refill our water bottles and help prevent plastic pollution with a refill bottle service. This great scheme will help to reduce waste and encourage re-using bottles we already have - also in turn reducing over production.

Here at the Shed we want to help too, so we've launched our own  REFILL BOTTLE SERVICE. Not water, but GIN! What else! For those in the local area of Ulverston, you can bring your empty SHED 1 GIN BOTTLES back to us at The Old Calf Shed to be refilled with your favourite gin from our Shed 1 Distillery. And it doesn't stop there! We will take £1.50 off the price of the 50cl bottle, so not only are you helping to save the planet, you're helping to save some money too! We see that as a win, win situation - Gin - Good for the planet - Good for your bank account!

If you want to use our refill service or find out more information, please contact Zoe: 07794699913. We love sharing why we do what we do with our customers and welcome anyone to get in touch so we can spread the word...and the gin!

And remember, if you don't want to use our refill bottle service, we do have a BOTTLE RETURN SCHEME, which means we can re-use the bottles and we donate the money to charity for every bottle returned, through our MARMALADE FUND - another great win for charitable causes

Keep up to date with all our charity work, events and exciting news by following our News and Blog page.

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Call: 07794 699913 / 07397 180486

[email protected]

The Old Calf Shed, North Lonsdale Road,
Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 9AU

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